Napco Consumer Division 2.6.0
Company MissionOur mission at NAPCO is to avail consumer products to variousincome levels of consumers, stressing on “quality within reach”.Our wide array of manufactured goods mainly consists of Tissue andHygienic Disposable products, in addition to numerous othersdestined to both household and institutional use.Our geographic domain stretches beyond Saudi Arabia to reach all ofthe Gulf countries, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt and other parts of North& East Africa.NAPCO will always strive to improve and develop its products inorder to meet consumers’ expectations, avoiding burdening them withcosts that add neither value nor performance to the product.We are a leading Regional Multinational specialized in theManufacturing and Marketing of non-food Consumer Products. Deeplyrooted in our local environment, we genuinely understand the MENAregion and its market needs; this is the essence of our developmentof reliable, consistent and good value for money products. Ourstate-of-the-art technology coupled with a well-structureddistribution systems are the key core competencies in ourcontinuous strive for better serving our customers and ourcommunities at large . Our commitment to our Founders’ commandment“What is good for the community is good for the Company’’ is thecorner stone of our success. Our strict adherence to the INDEVCOvalues is our driving force towards reaching excellence. ”